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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

Before our making a final profile story that would be submitted for a chance to be aired on television, we made a practice profile story. It was a good thing that we made a practice video because we made mistakes that we learned not to do for our final profile story. Our story was about Kaylee and how teamwork is an important aspect in her life. We chose Kaylee because she would be the most interesting out of our group. Kaylee has a personality that translates well on camera, so she was a good person to interview and film. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Profile Project Progress

Mr. Sanderl  recently wrote a grant and received brand new advanced cameras and microphone packs that were to be used for this project: Elder Words of Wisdom.  Mr. Nunn was always one of my favorite teachers throughout middle school and his outgoing personality made him our group's top canidate. We knew Mr. Nunn has a lot of things to say that would make for a great video. Our project was about Mr. Nunn and his life as a teacher and what led him to become a teacher. Mr. Nunn had an interesting life before teaching; he had a variety of jobs including owning an art gallery, but his passion always remained with children. Then, Hurrican Iniki hit, destroying his business, forcing him to chose another career so he decide to become a teacher. We interviewed him in his own classroom because we felt it was a setting where he would feel most comfortable. 

To help the audience make more sense of our film, we used B- Roll and voice- overs. B- Roll is the alternative footage used to cover the main interview. Covering the slip- ups of the interviewee or camera movement are some of the instances B- roll is used. B- Roll is used to help tell the story better or to make a point clear. Our B- Roll consisted of Mr. Nunn's classroom and him teaching. Voice- overs are used to narrate the story. They are used to create smooth transitions, add interest, or clarify something, when used properly. We planned our voice- overs very precisely; we had a production plan template that we used to write down what we had to record. Mr. Nunn sometimes did not repeat the question we asked him in his question so we recorded transitions to make the story flow and understandable.

To work together better, our team could envision what we want our video to be like so we are all on the same page. This would help our team to work better together by making ourselves plan out what we need to do to get the results we want. Our production plan helped us a lot because we could write our ideas down and see which ideas worked and which didn't. We have gotten better at spreading out the work and assigning jobs, but we could always improve.

Our critiques are very helpful on deciding what we need to improve on in our video. Judging from our results, we need better visuals. We have already filmed more B- Roll, but we might need more. Another helpful suggestion we got was we needed to make our overall story flow. This comment was especially helpful because we now know why our story didn't seem quite right. We have already planned out how to make our story flow better by simply rearranging the order of the interview.