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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

Before our making a final profile story that would be submitted for a chance to be aired on television, we made a practice profile story. It was a good thing that we made a practice video because we made mistakes that we learned not to do for our final profile story. Our story was about Kaylee and how teamwork is an important aspect in her life. We chose Kaylee because she would be the most interesting out of our group. Kaylee has a personality that translates well on camera, so she was a good person to interview and film. 


  1. I really liked your practice story about Kaylee! Also the background of your blog is super pretty.

  2. I love your background and you do not look that bad playing soccer.

  3. Your practice story was really good

  4. Your background is really cool. I also like how boxy the layout is because it looks nice. ^-^

  5. Your blog is very nice and I like how you put the page views on the side :)
