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Friday, February 21, 2014

Composition Techniques

Composition techniques are used in both photography and cinematography.  The four main composition techniques are rule of thirdsframingunusual angles, and  leading lines. They are important because without them, the audience would get bored watching a video with the same angle. Even if you have a great video, without using any composition techniques it wouldn't be as interesting as if you did have them.

Rule of thirds is a widely used composition technique. When using rule of thirds, you align your subject on the outside thirds of an imaginary grid. Framing is when you use your surroundings to frame a subject and draw attention to it. Unusual angles are used to create interest; they add excitement by taking a shot from a different perspective. Leading lines are used to draw focus to a subject by using natural lines bring the viewer's eyes to look at what you are trying to show. 


  1. I love, love, love how simple and pretty your blog is! I like this video a lot too, it's really good and funny :)

  2. Really nice blog! I like how it is really nice and organized.
