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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

Yesterday, our team faced very high- pressure situations in trying to finish our Practice Story. Our task was to create a video. My teammates were Zoey and Kaylee. Our video was about a girl that loves teamwork and we interviewed her and showed footage of her demonstrating teamwork. On the first day of filming, we got exactly what we needed: a good interview, but on the second day we weren't sure what to film so we wasted time figuring out what to film so we did not have much footage. Then, we planned what we wanted to film so we could do it the next day during advisory.

After we got what we needed for our B- Roll, we started to edit our video. Our team worked pretty well together. We split up the work: one person was editing while the other two finished our transcriptions. Next, we recorded our our transitions that would make the video go more smoothly and understandable. Since we were all pretty hard- working and no one was really slacking off, we had no arguments and got a lot done.

Even though, we filmed again and thought we had enough footage, we soon realized we did not have enough. A lot of our time was used to figure out what we were going to show. Deciding that our team did not have enough footage, we used the computer camera to film. The rest of the period consisted of deciding what to put where and making our video make sense. Despite our efforts, we ran out of time and had to turn in our assignment a few minutes late. 

If we could do this again, we would plan out what we were going to do before we do it because it makes everything easier to accomplish. If possible, we would work a little bit faster and maybe even go in before or after class to work on our video. Overall, I think our team did pretty well and we were a good team that worked together and split up the work evenly.

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