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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Five Tips For Getting Your Cat to Like You

My team, Zoey, Kaylee, and I, had to create a "Five Tips For..." video for Hiki No, a statewide broadcast put on by students. Before making our breaking off into teams and making our videos, we each had to individually had to think of five tips that we could give. My five tips were for how to get your cat to like you. 

We chose my idea because Zoey's tips were for improving your hula and Mr. Sanderl said that another group was already doing tips for dancing. Kaylee's tips were for how to improve in soccer and another group was also doing that. Because of our limited choices, we had to use my idea, "Five Tips For Getting Your Cat to Like You". 

We had a few problems while filming our video. First, we could not find my cat so we had nothing to film. My cat (Cuppie) is very shy and does not like strangers. Our video lacked B- Roll. We could not get good footage of Cuppie because she kept running away. To make our video better we could have had more sequencing because it was kind of boring. Overall, I think we did an okay video. 

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