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Monday, April 7, 2014

Words of Wisdom

During the 4th quarter, one of our projects for GT was Elder Words of Wisdom. We got into teams of three or four. My team members were Zoey and Kaylee. Our assignment was to create a video for Hiki No, a statewide broadcast and the best video would be submitted for a chance to be aired on television. We had to interview a person who could give good words of wisdom. Our interviewee was Mr. Nunn, a 6th grade teacher. Mr. Nunn was one of our favorite teachers in middle school and we knew he had a lot to say and was a great story teller so he would be interesting to interview. We interviewed Mr. Nunn in his own classroom, a place where he would be comfortable. Our B- Roll mostly consisted of him teaching and communicating with his students.

Even though he did not exactly say "My words of wisdom are...", but he has his own words of wisdom himself. Mr. Nunn is all about inspiration and inspiring his students to try and do the best they can.

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