Metamorphosis means to change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one. Our project was to create an animation where the subject goes through the process of metamorphosism. The focus statement that we based our video on was "Kim Changes Dreams".
The story our group (Kaylee, Zoey and I) came up with was about a girl named Kim that can change her dreams with a push of a button. Kim is bored in class, so she falls asleep. She has a nightmare that she is on a plane and these evil gummy bears push her off, but a remote with a red button appears. Not knowing what else to do, she presses the button which transports her to a candy land. In the candy land world, the gummy bears attack her again and again the remote appears. Kim presses the button again which changes her dream to a video game world in which the gummy bears attack her again.
To complete our animation we used three types of animation: stop motion, claymation, and digital animation on Photoshop. For the scenes where Kim falls asleep and wakes up, we used stop motion animation. In the candyland scene, we used claymation. We used digital animation on Photoshop for the video game scene and the lab scene.
The animation would not be complete with out sound effects, so we used Garage Band to create soundtracks. We split up the work by each taking up a scene and making a soundtrack to get the full effect.
We did not think our video was very good, however the class seemed to disagree. A majority of the votes for our characters, sets, and props were that we went above and beyond on completing the task. The rest of our class said that we met the requirements. We got varied results on how we executed our video and how creative and original our video was.